This is most likely an International Banker operation to further divide the United States and create the Multipolar World.

Why do some claim the Patriot Front is an FBI sting operation?
A few days after the Patriot Front demonstration in D.C., podcast host Joe Rogan suggested that the marchers might actually be federal agents in disguise. "They just pop up outta nowhere with the same sized flags, the same outfits, goose-stepping ... in an orderly line? Who organized this? ... I'm calling bulls--t," he said. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) expressed a similar theory, arguing that real right-wing protesters would never cover their faces the way the Patriot Front marchers did. Other outlets and individuals, including right-wing news site The Gateway Pundit, echoed these claims after the arrests in Idaho. Coeur D'Alene Police Chief Lee White told reporters emphatically that the men his officers arrested were not "FBI in disguise."
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